Representation Versus Creation: Where is the Line, and Who Owns What? – February 21, 2019

The Seattle IP Inn of Court hosted and welcomed the Washington State Patent Law Association (WSPLA) to the meeting. Group 4 assembled a panel to discuss the ethics implications and potential conflicts when lawyers’ representation of clients and scopes of duties intersect with IP.


  • James Barker, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
  • Ben Byer, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
  • Harold Federow, Port of Seattle
  • Doug Stewart, Bracewell LLP

The program included discussion of the following topics:

  1. Patent attorneys as inventors
  2. Trademark attorneys as mark creators
  3. Litigators’ acceptance of ownership as part of their fee
  4. Panel discussion regarding general ethical concerns when attorneys contribute to clients’ IP
  5. Q & A for the panel

Thank you for your ethics presentation, Group 4! Thank you for attending, WSPLA members!

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